Work published

Resume: Matthew D. Wittmer

Wittmer, Matthew D. Vases in the Columbarium. Stormbound Press. 2020. Print. ISBN: 978-0-578-70024-3 LCCN: 2020909593

Reese, London. Deathless: The Art of London Reese. Blurb Publishing. 2018. Print. I authored the book’s foreword and page 195.

Adams, Grace J. and Poia Alpha. Hearken O Daughter: Three sisters from New Zealand travel to Waco. Only two return. BookBaby. 2018. Print. My photos of the authors with other survivors are reproduced on pages 115,136-138.

Dowdle, Drew and John Erick Dowdle. Waco (TV Miniseries, 6 parts). Paramount Network. 2018. Web. First floor diagram I created of the building that burned in 1993 was incorporated into every series episode intro. My diagram was superimposed over the set of the building and was also referenced for the series interior set construction. The flag diagram I recreated of the actual flag design that flew over the 1993 building is also featured in the series every episode. A close up of it is displayed in episode 5 at minute 37:40 behind lead actor Rory Kulkin who portrays survivor David Thibodeau.

Johnson, Sylvester A., and Steven Weitzman, ed. The FBI and Religion: Faith and National Security before and after 9/11. University of California Press: Oakland, California. 2017. Print. A composite photo I created of all community members killed in the 1993 siege in Waco is featured on p. 210 of Catherine Wessinger’s essay, “The FBI’s ‘Cult War’ against the Branch Davidians.”

Dallam, Marie, W. “The Branch Davidian Symposium and Twentieth Anniversary Memorial 18-19 April 2013,Nova Religio: The Journal of New and Emergent Religions 17 (2):61-73. Berkley, California: University of California Press. November 2009. Print. My symposium presentation is reviewed and my photographs are included. A video my talk is posted on Baylor University’s ISR Youtube channel under “Baylor ISR: Reflecting on an American Tragedy: Matthew Wittmer (April 18, 2013)” at:

Abarbanel, Elisabeth, and Sarah Davis, Dorcas Hand, and Matthew Wittmer. “The New School Library: The Human Connection to Digital Resources and Academic Success.Independent School Magazine Summer: 68-74. National Association of Independent Schools. Print. Co-author and introductory photo.

Doyle, Clive and Catherine Wessinger, and Matthew Wittmer. Journey to Waco: Autobiography of a Branch Davidian. Rowman & Littlefield: Landham, Maryland. 2012. Print. Co-author, illustrator, wrote appendix essay & supplied photographs for this survivor’s autobiography.

Wittmer, Matthew. “Traces of the Mount Carmel Community: Documentation and Access,Nova Religion: The Journal of New and Emergent Religions 13 (2):95-113. Berkley, California: University of California Press. November 2013. Print.

Pamela Marx. Better than Take-out and Faster Too. Los Angeles, California: Perspective Publishing. 2001. Print.