Mount Carmel – 2014 photos
Gordon Melton, head of Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion department, invited me to assist with giving a walking tour of the Mount Carmel property for the annual CESNUR conference attendees in June of 2014. CESNUR is a group of international new religious movements scholars. See the documents section of the main Waco page for the visual handout I made to help explain the Mount Carmel property history.
The swimming pool has collected water and has fish and frogs in it. April 18, 2014
Post memorial, outside the Helen Marie Taylor Museum. Ron Goins, Clive Doyle, Sheila Martin, Catherine Wessinger, Matthew Wittmer. April 19, 2014
Image I made from the hand out I created that has diagrams to help visitors understand the property history. See my documents section on this site for the full PDF.
Showing visitors the inside of the chapel and the photo I had enlarged for the wall of David’s building.
In front of the chapel & Alex Norman from the University of Sydney, Austraila. June 7, 2014
Driving with Grace in Auckland, New Zealand to Mangere Cemetery to pay our respects to Neil Vaega’s burial site. Grace is one of two sisters of Rebecca Saipa’ia who was killed at Mount Carmel in 1993. Grace has devoted a great deal of her life sharing her story about how she tried desperately to save her sister and almost perished herself at Mount Carmel. Photo August 2014
With Grace, her sister Poia, their mother, and Holly in New Zealand. Photo August 2014