Tightwire simulators
by Matthew D. Wittmer
I have built and used what I call wire walking simulators for years; these are basically contraptions that support a pipe the same diameter of the walk cable. The reason for making these simulators is that zero rigging is required to walk on them. Walking on a simulator is a time saver for practicing when you don’t have time to go outside and rig a tightwire.
Two 12-foot simulators (center) made for the Cirque School, LA, California, next to a 4-foot and 6-foot one. September 5, 2011
Transport simulator assembled. It’s base board is narrower for travel but the pipe is the same diameter. November 2009
In October 2009 I mounted conduit pipe on top of a wooden platform for simulated rope walking. The pipe is 11/16″ in diameter. This simulator enables instantaneous practice.